Class Descriptions


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Ages: Active Seniors: ages 60+.  All other classes: ages 14+. 

Mark Wrench 07973 970 093

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Active Seniors Flow Yoga and Pilates
Hatha Yoga Modern Pilates
Yang Style Tai Chi Sun Style Tai Chi





Megan Morris
"I started coming to the Strength and Balance exercise classes as I realised that as you get older if you don't keep active your joints get stiff.  I wanted to keep as supple as possible and also to help with my weight. 
Since starting about 18 months ago I have notice that I feel much more energetic and I get a good feeling after I have attended an exercise class.  The class is also a great social gathering with a good group of people, we often stay for tea and coffee after the class
"Mark is always very patient and puts our technique right when we are going wrong, he is the right person for our group.  I enjoy the classes very much and I intend to continue into old age (after 80)".
Pat Brown
"I was having problems with my back and felt that exercise would help.  The problems with my back limitted my mobility and I was in a lot of pain.  I have been going to Mark's Strength and Balance classes for about 3 years now and my back is 90% better and my whole body is also much fitter.  I have much more energy and my mobility is no longer limited by back pain.
Mark is very good with us all if someone is not doing so well he is always there to help.  I attend 2-3 of the Strength and Balance classes per week and I like all of the classes, you get to meet new friends and we have fun.  I also like that the class routine is planned out in advance and we get a new routine every month".
Shelagh Clayphan
"I wanted to keep as fit as possible as I feel that as you age keeping as fit as possible is very important.  I started coming to the classes serveral years ago now and since starting I have noticed my flexibility and alertness have increased".
Mark is always helpful and never presses anyone to do more than they are able to.
"I feel better after a class and am always glad to have made the effort to come.  The company is good as is the music"
Brenda Lisle
  "I have been attending keep fit classes for many years and started going to Mark's Active Seniors class over 7 years ago.  My reasons for joining were to keep fit and flexible as I want to maintain my independance as I age".
I have noticed that attending the classes has increased my; confidence, flexibility, grip strength and balance whilst walking.
Mark informs us of the benefits of the specific exercises that we are doing, which I find helpful.  It is also nice to meet likeminded people and workout together in a group".