Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Do I need to bring my own mat?

A.  I do have mats in my van but due to COVID-19 I am still using less equipment so if you could bring your own then that would be great.  I also recommend getting your own after you've tried a class because it's more hygienic if working barefoot.  Another option is to wear socks with grip on the bottom.  Exercie mats are not required for tai chi or Active Seniors. 

Q.  What do I need to wear?

A.  Usual workout gear: a T-Shirt or jumper and shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms.  So long as you aren't restricting movement then that's fine.  For yoga, I also recommend bringing a jacket and or a blanket as there are sections of the class, such as corpse pose, that don't involve movement.  No high heels, for postures sake!

Q.  What do I need to bring?

A.  A bottle of water (as the kitchens may still be closed due to COVID-19 restrictions still being in place.  You may also need to bring a warm jacket or a blank for corpse pose if doing Gentle Yoga or Flow Yoga and Pilates.

Q.  Do I need to be flexible?

A.  No - poor flexibility is a good reason to stretch more often.  I give several options for each level to cater for different levels of ability.  However, it is necessary (in my Flow Yoga and Pilates classes) to be able to get up and down to the floor with ease as we do sequences such as sun salutations and others.  We also do floor exercises in Gentle Yoga and Modern Pilates.  If you're unsure then please speak to me first or come and watch a class.

Q.  If I sign up for ten sessions do I lose the sessions if I go on holiday or get injured?

A.  No: you have up to 6 months to use them.  And you can even get a refund for however many session you've got remaining if necessary.  The sessions can also be frozen if you need to take some months off for any reason.

Q.  Is yoga or tai chi religious or spiritual?

A.  Traditionally yoga is spiritual, having its roots in Hinduism and tai chi has its roots in Taoism.  I teach yoga and tai chi as exercise classes, exercise classes with many evidence-based physical, physiological and psychological benefits.  I am an athiest, and because these classes are practical in nature, I myself cannot teach anything in yoga or tai chi that relates to spirituality or religion; if I did I would be being inauthentic.  I would also be concerned about how teaching the class in a spiritual way may conflict with my participants' existing beliefs.  Furthmore, some of the claimed benefits to working certain meridians or chakras may conflict with evidence-based medical advice.  Some argue that my view is not open-minded, but I fail to see how a belief that the existence of chakras or energy meridians, for example, is unlikely and unproven is narrow-minded, whilst a firm belief that they are real is open-minded. 

Q.  How do I book and pay?

A.  Contact me via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 07973 970 093 and I will book you in.  I can also provide you with payment details for BACs or you can pay by cash or cheque on the day.